2022 Legislative Conference-Dupe - Committee Meetings
At all APTA conferences, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend any committee meetings that are listed in the conference program. It's the best way for APTA members to decide whether to join a committee or for non-APTA members to decide to become a member of our association. Working together is the best way to get acquainted and bring your leadership skills to the national level.
For APTA members: One need not be a member of the committee or registered for the conference to attend a committee meeting, but one must be a committee member in order to vote. To join a committee, it's best to communicate with the committee staff advisor.
- How? At www.apta.com, log-in as an APTA member with your email and password of your choice.
- Need help? Contact APTA’s Christopher Bellerdine at cbellerdine@apta.com.
- There is a rich variety in the work of APTA’s professional committees … choose from over 100 groups.
Non-APTA members registered for the conference may attend published committee meetings. To join a committee and to vote at the meeting, non-members must first become an APTA member. To join APTA, please contact Christina Garneski at cgarneski@apta.com.
Please note that the following schedule is preliminary and may be revised.
View Committee Meetings Schedule by Date.